Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Use For... Wire Kitchen Decor

Since I seem to rarely use my thrifted items as they were originally intended, I thought I'd start a new feature. I'll show you how to look at the ordinary and see something different and a bit quirky, as it seems to come pretty naturally to me :)

First, here's my newly thrifted wire kitchen rooster:

Wire Rooster, Goodwill Outlet (<$1)
I can imagine him in his original home: a country-themed kitchen that always smelled like fresh cinnamon rolls or those scented pine cones. Now, this little guy serves as the perfect-sized container for vintage beads and jewelry!

A wire kitchen container would also be great for holding spools of thread or bits of fabric, if you're the DIY type :)

Have a great Monday, and happy MLK Day!


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