Monday, October 18, 2010

Little Hideaways

I love little things to keep tiny treasures in! Imagine my excitement, then, when I pulled out two such goodies from the Goodwill Outlet bins Saturday morning :)

You truly never know what you'll find there!

Beaded Coin Purse; Wooden Butterfly with Compartments; Both: Goodwill Outlet
I love the design of the beaded coin purse- the hubby noticed that there are two pipes on it! And the butterfly was well-earned, as I found each piece in a different bin!

One thing I left behind was an 80s kid-size typewriter that looked in working condition, minus the ink. It wasn't all that heavy (a big thing to keep in mind at Goodwill Outlet with it's by-the-pound pricing), but it was a little worn on the outside. It just wasn't as perfect as my two lovely typewriters!

Have a great Monday :)


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