Monday, October 11, 2010

The Vintage Bowling Shoes of My Dreams!

My mom and I had such a great time thrifting Saturday! She was a pro- pulling out great things from the Goodwill Outlet bins and even finding some green leather shoes for herself at Good Samaritan :)

My favorite find of the day was a perfectly awesome pair of vintage bowling shoes in my size!

Vintage Bowling Shoes, Good Samaritan ($2.99)
I can't wait to wear them :) I feel like their slight quirkiness matches my new haircut! (Thanks, by the way, for the nice comments about it. I like it, but it's taking a bit to get used to!)

Have you thrifted anything cool this weekend? Let me know :) I love to hear about other people's thrifting adventures!



  1. I meant to post this yesterday but forgot...but I do love your haircut! The color even looks brighter. And kudos for thrifting an awesome pair of bowling shoes! Those are great!

  2. Thanks, Emily! :) It really means a lot!


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