Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Little Sailor Jacket

At the estate sale I went to this past Saturday, I saw all sorts of pretty things! There were closets full of vintage clothing, pretty purses, and shoes in my size :)

The one thing I haven't shown you that I got is this great Laura Ashley sailor jacket, simply because it is bewildering to me.

Laura Ashley Jacket, Estate Sale ($2)

It's so cute, though! I can totally see it this summer, over a sweet little tank top at the beach. The problem is that whenever I put it on, I feel like I'm in some sort of play about old-time Navy sailors!

In other words, I need your help! How can I wear this adorable cropped sailor jacket without feeling like it's a costume? I'm sure it can be done, but I'm drawing a blank :)

Thanks for your help!



  1. Pair it with something decidedly unsailorish: like a hot pink top, metallic flats, and slim fitting jeans. :)

    I think it's super cute!!

  2. everything Mrs.5 just said, and roll the sleeves! :)

  3. Thanks, guys! I definitely think I can pull that off :) I really appreciate your help!

  4. Seconded.

    Also, I know you're not a skirt/dress kinda girl, but I think something white and super flouncy or eyelet would be a great counterbalance, too.


I love your comments! You all are the best!