Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Chromatica Harmonica and Columbus Colors

One of the estate sales I went to on Saturday was awesome! Inside I found all sorts of treasures, including yesterday's spider book :) Then I ventured into the backyard and they had tables set up with more goodies!

It was out here that I found these vintage treasures:

Vintage Chromatica Harmonica ($5); Vintage Columbus Professional Colored Pencils ($2)

I was drawn to the harmonica because I can (sort of) play them. (I can actually play acoustic guitar, though!) This old harmonica is twice as awesome as regular ones because it has a knob on the side where you can change keys while playing!

The colored pencils are actually labeled as 'crayon pencils' and they color just like your favorite childhood crayons made grown-up. I am definitely a doodler, so I love these, and the colors are amazing :)

I hope your week is going well! Have you thrifted anything interested lately?



  1. Woh! What a neat harmonica! I don't know how to play, but I would've picked that up too just 'cause it's cool!

  2. Thanks! I'm going to clean it up and hopefully get better at playing it :)


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